Sunday, October 20, 2013

Female Orc Final Sculpting Touches

Here's a full body presentation of my latest digital sculpture, Tolkien's Female Orc. I should probably begin thinking of a better name for the piece as I concept out the texture work. For now, as time is running short for this quarter of school, I think I'll put down this project and resume work on her later. She's beginning to give me a headache. All critiques are welcome.

Female Orc Face Reworking

With some extremely helpful critique from my Portfolio teacher, I have reworked the face of my orc to have more feminine features. I feel personally that there are some positive and distinctive differences in how she looks now.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Female Orc Sculpting Stages 2

Here's an update on some sculpting work I've done over the last week. I've edited the face to have a more realistic look and began adding details and texture to the rest of the armor.